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M & P Project has over the years gained experience to help companies in the search for efficient and effective solutions to be compliant with EU policy on health and safety on workplaces. M & P Project can help companies to apply best practices and prevention strategies to their operations, regardless of the size of the company. Among the activities offered:

  • definition of Companies’ Organizational Models in accordance with the requirements of Article 30 of Legislative Decree 81/08, and then also serve the purpose of exempting condition, referred to in Legislative Decree no. 231/2000.
  • Working alongside the Companies’ H&S Managers to support them for the implementation of specific requirements regarding health and safety at work (eg work-related Stress, , Manual Handling of Loads, Training, Musculoskeletal Disorders & Ergonomics, Finding Computer operators, Fire, etc. ....) We guarantee high level professionalism that can ensure the adoption of specific valuation methods recognized nationally and internationally.
  • Audits on health and safety management system (required by the employer, by the supervisory Board, internal audit and external Certification company)


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